Writing Jokes
2 min readNov 15, 2017


Writing Jokes With Roy Wood Jr. (The Daily Show)

The quicker you can set up the story the more time you have left to tell jokes.

@RoyWoodJr on Twitter

Roy is a proud FAMU grad reppin the 205. Don’t @ him if you never seen ‘The Wire’ or ‘Ducktales’

How’d you first get into prank calls?

In morning radio I had to do prank calls just to keep my job. LOL ended up getting pretty good at them.

Have any of your experiences in radio informed your style as a comedian?

Morning radio only made me more cognizant of making sure that I can simplify a premise as quickly as possible. In radio you aren’t given a lot of time to set up a story so the quicker you can set up the story the more time you have left to tell jokes off it.

How is stand-up in the south different from stand-up elsewhere?

In the south stand-up is more laid back. As a comedian it’s harder to get stage time because there aren’t as many clubs. So, as a comedian coming up in that region, stage time is much much more precious.

What makes for a great writers room?

I think diversity and anyone not afraid to push back against other people in the room is important. An array of views is always a good thing.

What do you enjoy most about working at The Daily Show?

I enjoy how fast paced things are at The Daily Show. And how quickly an idea can go from inception to being on the show nine hours later that night.

What’s your general process for coming up with new material?

I find things that bore me and indulge myself in them. My mind then wanders to other places and the creativity flows. Also I like to do things that annoy me because that state of mind help me create.

Roy threw out the first pitch at a Cubs game in August

How did you become a Cubs fan?

Growing up in the south the Cubs came on TV a lot. The Cubs and the Braves. So I chose Cubs.

What makes a joke funny?

People laughing. That’s a tough questions to answer. Sorry.

Check out Roy’s work at https://roywoodjr.com, on Medium at Roy Wood Jr and elsewhere on the internet.

Read more Writing Jokes on Twitter at @jokewriting. Interview by Zuri Irvin



Writing Jokes

Interviews with funny people + other stuff. Fart Sounds is out now! http://amzn.to/2bfG9LG. By Zuri Irvin