Writing Jokes
4 min readAug 5, 2015


Writing Jokes with Kenny DeForest (The Knitting Factory)

I would say it’s the best show in New York, but I’m biased.

[@KennyDeForest on Twitter]

Former golden boy. Comic. Heathen. Stay going rogue. Producer & co-host@Comedyattheknit Instagram: KennyDeForest

What’s your name and where did you grow up?

My name is Kenny DeForest and I grew up in Springfield, MO

Springfield is interesting because it’s a rapidly growing city that has a major college in it, but it’s also in the Bible Belt. So we have a unique blend of a burgeoning art scene, great food culture, and science and innovation, but we also have mega-churches that send voters in out droves. Unless I missed the reversal, it’s technically legal to discriminate against LGBT folks in Springfield, MO and we also voted for the “legitimate rape” guy Todd Aiken?

What did your parents do for a living when you were a kid?

My dad runs a farm supply business with my uncle that my grandfather started. They now have three locations across south Missouri.

What was the first bit or joke you performed on stage?

It was a joke about STDs and how a woman once responded “like, right now?” to the question “do you have anything I should know about?” I actually ad-libbed the punch line my first time on stage which was “yea. Obviously I’m asking about right now. I already know what you’re gonna have tomorrow…”

When and where did you fall into a groove as a performer?

I would say the Chicago Laugh Factory is where I took the biggest stride. It opened in 2012, I believe, and suddenly there was this 300-seat club that mostly booked local comics. I was lucky to get in there early on. Consistently having 20 minute sets in that environment was so important to my development.

The Knitting Factory seems to be a great space for comedy. How did you start producing and hosting there and what kind of show do you put on?

We (myself, Clark jones, Will Miles along with booker/producer Luisa Diez) took over for Hannibal Buress once Hannibal got too busy to run the show. Hannibal started the show years ago and grew it in to a very popular, well-attended show. I would say it’s the best show in New York, but I’m biased. We’ve been running it for almost a year now and I like to think we’ve carried on the tradition quite well. We just try to put on the best show possible and showcase our favorite comics. We host the show together and our chemistry is great after years of friendship. I definitely think seeing three guys riffing about the news of the week and making fun of each other is a fun look for the audience.

Do you prefer building jokes on paper or on stage? And why?

On stage for sure. I write much better when there’s an audience in front me. I like having the added pressure to find the funny. That said, I write things on paper to get them out of my head and written down.

What do you like or dislike about the New York comedy scene? How does it compare with other places?

New York City is the center of the comedy universe. The best comedians on earth are on New York; if not permanently, they at least come to New York regularly. There’s nowhere else on earth you can see such a high level of stand up comedy on a nightly basis.

Every week Comedians In Public produces crash-test stand up in new crowds and new situations.

Comedians In Public is such a crazy, fun idea. How did that come about? What has the response been?

Matt Ott approached me about doing it and told me who had already agreed to do it. I’ve got a real Marty McFly “nobody calls me chicken” complex. I can’t back down from a challenge. This is also why I’ve performed stand up comedy naked.

Talk about writing jokes for the Internet. Why do some work and others don’t?

Jokes online lack tone and context. It’s hard to be nuanced in writing. Jokes that work online tend to be simple. Usually the tweets I almost don’t tweet because of how embarrassingly dumb they are are the ones that get the most love.

What’s the dumbest superhero name you can think of?

Heart from Captain Planet. Fuck you, Heart. You soft

Ma-Ti is the bearer ofHeart Ring. Despite being the youngest, he’s usually the first to see reason and expose the truth to other Planeteers.

Who is the funniest person you know?

My grandpa Joe Kenny is the funniest person I’ve ever known. Great story teller. Classic Irish barroom story teller. As he got older, he would repeat stories all the time, but we never stopped him because they were so good every time.

What’s on your horizon?

Death. Same for you

Why are jokes funny?

Because conscious existence is kind of a cruel joke. None of us know why we’re here. We’re dumb animals that think we’re smart so we pretend we know why we’re here and act accordingly with way too much confidence. This combination of utter confusion and absolute certainty surrounding our own existence is inherently funny. That and because online dating is weird.

For more, visit @jokewriting on Twitter

Interview @withzuri



Writing Jokes

Interviews with funny people + other stuff. Fart Sounds is out now! http://amzn.to/2bfG9LG. By Zuri Irvin